About me

Hi, Welcome to my website! I’m Yingtao, a Phd student at the University technology of Sydney(UTS) in the School of Computer Science, under the guidance of Professor CT Lin. I enjoy playing basketball and am a big fan of the Golden State Warriors. I also love to spend time daydreaming by the sea. My research interests include fuzzy theory, recommendation systems and machine learning. If you are interested in my research work, feel free to contact me anytime (ytren.ai@outlook.com). I would be delighted to have a cup of my favorite black tea with you!

My background and history

I obtained my B.A. in Industrial Engineering from Beijing Jiaotong University(BJTU) in 2019 and my M.A. in Industrial Engineering in 2022. After that, I joined Honor company(former Huawei) as a machine learning engineer, responsible for the research and development of the recommendation system.
